Above the Abyss

Above the Abyss
On November 27, 2019 Geneva-based Off Space Cherish and Brand-New-Life organized a reading with Fatima Wegmann. The two contributions, titled Above the Abyss and Contradiction is Unity published here originated from this reading and are published on B-N-L as video- and text-based documentation and an accompanying essay. In her performance Fatima Wegmann explores science fiction and theory - which she sees as closely interrelated - through an audio-visual practice. This allows her to investigate a space of experimentation in search of emancipatory discourse - narratives off-center from patriarchal and imperialist thought. As part of an expansion of the discussion towards French-speaking Switzerland, B-N-L offers a platform to text-based artistic practice. Writing is an artistic practice that is still not comprehensively remunerated and recognized and, in the art context, is too rarely a subject of funding programmes. B-N-L therefore gives artists a framework to develop a new text.