Summer was Coming: on Mark Fisher

Summer was Coming: on Mark Fisher

The late Mark Fisher, arguably the most important cultural critic to emerge from the UK in the last two decades, explored the psychic, emotional dimensions of politics, forcefully arguing that contemporary mental health crises are the product of political conditioning. His work provides a set of critical tools for understanding the motivating passions and affective fallout of Brexit, Trump’s Presidency and the rise of the European Far Right, not so much as ruptures within the smooth functioning edifice of liberal order but rather as symptoms of neoliberal capitalism and the deflated political subjectivities it both cultivates and relies upon. Fisher argues that under neoliberal conditions public institutions – including universities, broadcasters and museums – have become beholden to a punitive, restrictive managerialism leading many to reject them as sites for radical political activity and desire. However, Fisher argues, that spurning public institutions as inherently corrupt accepts the ideological ruse that there is no other path than neoliberalism and overlooks the possibility for alternative modes of organisation to release the radical potential locked dormant within them.