Churchill et al.

WINSTON CHURCHILL 1973, Parliament Square – MAHATMA GHANDI 2015, Parliament Square – NELSON MANDELA 2007, Parliament Square– JAMES II 1686, Trafalgar Square – GEORGE WASHINGTON 1921, Trafalgar Square – CHARLES I 1633, Trafalgar Square - THE CENOTAPH 1920, Whitehall
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A group of protesters in Bristol toppled the statue of Edward Colston, a local philanthropist who made his fortune from the slave trade. Accompanied by a cheering crowd, the statue was rolled through the streets of the city down to the harbor where it was pushed into the water.
This action triggered fears that controversial statues in London could suffer the same fate and be vandalized or knocked down as well. Without further ado city authorities carefully covered up the most likely targets of violent attacks by left and right-wing protestors in the capital.