Above the Abyss

On November 27, 2019 Geneva-based Off Space Cherish and Brand-New-Life organized a reading with Fatima Wegmann. The two contributions, titled Above the Abyss and Contradiction is Unity published here originated from this reading and are published on B-N-L as video- and text-based documentation and an accompanying essay. In her performance Fatima Wegmann explores science fiction and theory - which she sees as closely interrelated - through an audio-visual practice. This allows her to investigate a space of experimentation in search of emancipatory discourse - narratives off-center from patriarchal and imperialist thought. As part of an expansion of the discussion towards French-speaking Switzerland, B-N-L offers a platform to text-based artistic practice. Writing is an artistic practice that is still not comprehensively remunerated and recognized and, in the art context, is too rarely a subject of funding programmes. B-N-L therefore gives artists a framework to develop a new text.
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I want to start with the proposition that the future is not already set.
I say this because I believe that by changing ourselves
we can also change the world
So anything is possible if we start from there.
The performative is a question of force and effect, and the answer must answer precisely in that mode: Force and effect.

A lot of people have felt the same urgency as I do
the urgency to rewrite and reprogram themselves
And to see this state of emergency as a site of emergence.

How to reveal the unconscious potentialities
waiting to be activated
but hidden by our thinking infrastructure?

Not the potentialities to repair a fragmented past
but to embrace this place of fracture
and accept this is as our state
the state of modernity.

I feel that there is something wrong
about this binarity between life and death
this frontier is only a modernist construction
to see the dead as unworthy of care

We must take care of those on the other side.
It is only like this that we can have a future that gives a kind of reparation for the past lives
for the silences that are suffocating us
And to finally make the pain passing from one generation to the next stop.


The performance and it's documentation are courtesy of the Fatima Wegmann, Ali-Eddine Abdelkhalek and Cherish / James Bantone. The project is made possible with support by Pro Helvetia.